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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, September 27, 2020

Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19: Case Reports

by Andrew W. Saul and Doctor X

Many years ago, when I was first starting out in the natural healing field, a physician said to me, "You are lucky. You have no license to lose." When doctors are to be silenced, they are simply threatened with loss of their license to practice medicine. State licensing board attacks on physicians are private and administrative. Such proceedings never get to open court; they never get to a jury. It is all behind closed doors. The most effective instrument of compliance is a bureaucracy, not the judiciary.

And it works.

That is why I am publishing this series of 22 case reports from a board-certified specialist but without revealing the doctor’s name. I want this physician to keep being able to practice and heal sick people.

Read them and decide for yourself about the merits of vitamin C against COVID-19.

  1. 47 y/o female with PMH (previous medical history) of anxiety, depression, hypothyroid presented with 11 day history of fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, muscle aches, SOB (shortness of breath), abdominal pain and loss of appetite. She tested positive for COVID and received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By day 3, fatigue, cough, SOB and appetite all improved.
  2. 63 y/o AAF (African American female) with PMH of sickle cell trait presented with 10 day history of fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, fever, muscle aches, congestion, headache, SOB, nausea. Patient was COVID positive and received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 7.5/25/25 grams. By day 3, fever and headache resolved. Fatigue, cough, aches, and SOB all significantly improved. 
  3. 35 y/o WM (white male) with PMH of HTN (hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure), high cholesterol, sleep apnea presented with 1 week of cough, DOE (dyspnea on exertion, i.e. gets out of breath with exercise), fatigue. Patient was COVID positive and received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By day 3, fever resolved, fatigue was improving, and cough and DOE significantly improved.
  4. 36 y/o WM COVID positive with no PMH presented with 4 day history of dry cough, chills/sweats, SOB and headache. Patient received 3 days of 25 grams of IV Vitamin C. By day 3, cough was still present and patient did have a loss of taste and smell but otherwise had no complaints.
  5. 66 y/o male COVID positive with PMH of asthma, DM (diabetes) HTN presented to the clinic with 9 days of fatigue, cough, body aches, sinus congestion, HA (headache), SOB, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of day 3, fatigue, SOB, cough improved slightly,  and his aches, congestion, diarrhea and HA resolved.
  6. 30 y/o AAM (African American male) with PMH of HTN and DM presented with 2 week history of fatigue, sinus congestion, productive cough, SOB and loss of appetite. He tested positive for COVID the day before arriving to our clinic. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By day 3, fatigue and sinus congestion improved. His appetite was back to normal. Cough and SOB significantly improved and he was able to walk up stairs again.
  7. 19 year old WF (white female) with no past medical  history.  She tested positive for COVID. Symptoms of fatigue and sinus congestion have been present for 1 day.  She completed 3 days of vitamin C IV, 25 grams.  On day 3 she had no symptoms except for slight loss in sense of smell and taste. 
  8. A 19 year old WM with a history of asthma and pertussis as a child.  He tested positive for COVID.  He has been having symptoms of fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, muscle ache , sinus congestion, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite for 4-5 days prior to visit.   He completed 3 days of vitamin C IV 25. By day 3 he had no symptoms and felt great. 
  9. 67 y/o WM with PMH of diabetes and hypothyroid presented with symptoms for 1 month including fever, fatigue, cough, body aches and headache. He tested positive for COVID 1 week prior to his arrival to the clinic. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, his fever, headache and body aches resolved, and fatigue and cough significantly improved.
  10. 60 y/o male with PMH of DM2 (diabetes type 2) presented with symptoms for 1 week. COVID positive. Symptoms included fever, fatigue, dry cough, muscle aches, congestion, headache, SOB, abdominal pain, and nausea. He also had chills/sweats and loss of taste and smell. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, his cough was slightly improved, headache was resolved, SOB improved, nausea improved, chills and sweats resolved, and taste and smell were coming back.
  11. 59 y/o AAM with PMH of HTN and COVID positive presented with symptoms for 3 weeks. Included fever, fatigue, headache, SOB, chills and sweats. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fever resolved, fatigue and SOB and cough were all improving.
  12. 34 y/o WF with no PMH but COVID positive presented with 4 day history of back pain and HA that did resolve prior to her first IV. She completed 3 days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams and had no symptoms on day 3. 
  13. 43 y/o AAF with PMH of endometriosis fibroids and b/l PE (bilateral pulmonary embolism, i.e. blood clots in lungs) and COVID positive presented with symptoms for 8 days. These included fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, mild SOB, diarrhea, chest pain with coughing. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fatigue, cough and sore throat and chest pain resolved and patient reported feeling much better overall.
  14. 38 y/o AAF with PMH of ADHD and COVID positive presented with 2 days of fatigue. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, her fatigue was improved and patient had no other symptoms.
  15. 45 y/o AAF with PMH of hypercholesterolemia and CVA (cardiovascular attack i.e. stroke) and COVID positive presented with symptoms for 2.5 weeks. These included fatigue, cough, HA, SOB, nausea, chest tightness, loss of appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, patient reported improvement in fatigue, cough, SOB. Nausea resolved. Chest tightness was minimal. 
  16. 41 y/o WM with no PMH and COVID positive presented with 9 days of fatigue, dry cough, and headache. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fatigue was improving, cough was minimal, and headache had resolved. 
  17. A 67 y/o female with PMH of high cholesterol and COVID positive presented with 1 week of symptoms including fatigue, nausea, fever, and poor appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, fever resolved and fatigue was improving.
  18. A 65 y/o female with PMH of Hashimoto's disease, depression, and COVID positive presented with 2 weeks of fatigue, chest tightness, and poor appetite. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, chest tightness resolved and fatigue was improving and appetite was improving.
  19. 31 y/o female with PMH of asthma, anemia, and allergies, and COVID positive presented with 1 week of fatigue, dry cough, congestion, and loss of smell. Patient received 3 consecutive days of IV Vitamin C 25 grams. By the end of the 3rd day, smell had returned, appetite was much improved, congestion resolved, and fatigue resolved. Cough also resolved.
  20. A 67 year old WM with past medical history of kidney stones.  He tested positive for COVID.  He started with symptoms of fever and fatigue. He completed 3 days of vitamin C IV, 25 grams.  By day 3 symptoms had improved and he was back to 95%.
  21. A 38 year old WF with no past medical history.  She tested positive for COVID. She started with symptoms of  fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, muscle ache, sinus congestion and headache that have been present for 2 days prior to her appointment.  She completed 3 days of vitamin C IV 25 grams. By day 3 She felt much better and only had a mild sore throat and PND (Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, i.e. difficulty breathing at night).
  22. A 42 year old WM with no past medical history. Tested positive for COVID.  Symptoms started 10 days ago.  He started with fever and body aches.  He also developed nasal congestion, dizziness, PND and difficulty taking deep breaths.   He completed 3 days of vitamin C IV 25.  By day 3 he felt much better. He still had some fatigue and mild congestion, but overall he felt much better.  He is now able to take deep breaths without problems.

To sum up: Virtually all the above COVID patients received 25,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously for three days. They all recovered, and many recovered with spectacular rapidity. This information is being censored by the commercial news media. It is being kept off Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube. That is why OMNS has issued this release. As A. J. Liebling said decades ago, "Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one."

Withholding vitamin C treatment information from the public withholds it from the patient. We accuse the media of negligence. They can correct this at any time.

Until they do, we will do it for them.

To learn more: Several dozen articles related to vitamin therapy for COVID are posted for free access at . Many are available in French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Chinese, and Norwegian. Japanese translations may be found at .

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Ken Walker, M.D. (Canada)
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Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor-In-Chief
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Editor, French Edition: Vladimir Arianoff, M.D. (Belgium)
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Jason M. Saul, JD (USA), Legal Consultant

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