Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, November 4, 2021
Report from the Philippines Why push vaccination while ignoring nutrition?
Commentary by Homer Lim, M.D.
OMNS (Nov. 4, 2021) Few people know about how difficult things are for the people of Philippines as concerns Covid. The Philippines has recently been ranked last out of 121 countries: last in response, economy and mobility of the population, and that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of woes.
For the past 20 months of the Pandemic, it has been a fantasy-based irregular cycle of lockdowns and curfews, just like a person unable to get their life back to some sense of normalcy, due to the unpredictable nature of their ills. The unpredictability and impulsive government response created and/or resulted in business, health and social decline never before seen since the end of World War II with its GDP contracted 9.5% in 2020.
While in perpetual lockdown, government officials, drawing their uninterrupted salaries, kept borrowing money and distributing cash to the no-income class, but have disregarded the low to middle class who are drivers of its consumer based economy. This created a vicious cycle of borrowings and debt relief, increasing the national debt by 50% in a span of only 2 years.
Furthermore, the public is at a loss as to when, why, and how lockdowns are decided on. Make no mistake, the power Congress granted to the executive branch was completed with what appears to have been a compelling urgency to spend as much money as possible in the shortest possible time.
The result was that we became the only nation in entire planet to compel everyone to wear faceshields, a device that does nothing to stop the viral spread. It was erroneously assumed that these contraptions would protect the public, upon the recommendation of an expert panel that has yet to come up with a study showing faceshield effectiveness in preventing infections in a community setting. They had been purchased at an inflated price, and had to be employed regardless.
In relation to the government's response to preventing infections, hospitalization and deaths, Philippines fared better than Indonesia until Indonesia decided it had enough and started to manufacture and give away ivermectin as a prophylaxis and treatment of Covid19. Their daily new cases from 26,000/day in July 15 2021 dropped to just above 600.cases/day (as of this writing) in a population of 230 million. Philippines, on the other hand, kept its daily cases consistently higher and higher despite lockdowns and inappropriate mass vaccinations. It is now ranked 5th in total cases in Asia with more cases per million than India or Indonesia.
The government medical experts announced that all vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements are to be shunned, and recommended against nutrients for Covid prevention and treatment. Upon infection, do nothing and wait till you are so sick that you must get treatment. Hospitalized covid patients have a mortality rate of 38%, as doctors are hampered or reluctant to veer off the "guidelines" despite the fact they themselves realize what they are doing does not fare well and even see their own loved ones and colleagues succumb to this treatable infection, to the point that majority of well-established clinicians stayed home rather than risk death. Sadly, government so-called medical experts (who haven't even managed Covid patients personally) adamantly deny early treatment protocols, telling the public nothing works except the experimental Covid vaccines.
The Philippines' government has announced, just as the wealthier countries have, intention to inoculate 70-80% of the population. This is a very tall order as Philippines is still traumatized by the 2017 Dengvaxia vaccine controversy when over 800,000 children were inoculated with an experimental vaccine. At least 160 children were killed. Lawsuits have been filed against the drug manufacturer, but to the angst of the parents of the deceased, I believe that defendants are still members of the government or hiding another country. As of today, the official government stand is that no one died of the Dengvaxia vaccine.
From a vaccine acceptance of 93% prior to the controversy, Dengvaxia wiped the smirk off any Health department vaccine drive. This created a quandary as vaccine supply has now overtaken demand. Simply put, the Covid vaccines are now in danger of being thrown away as expiration dates approach.
Despite government and business groups' coaxing and coercing the public to vaccinate, only the nation's capital has reached 80% getting at least one jab. Many have been forced to take it, as those who do not are cast as unclean and undeserving to be allowed to go to work. The unvaccinated are purportedly making the vaccination drive a failure. This Is the first time in history where the vaccine's ineffectiveness is blamed on those who didn't take it.
School-aged children have been virtually incarcerated for the last 20 months, not even allowed until recently to go outdoors beyond their abodes. This has brought our children's education proficiency levels lowest in South East Asia as reported by the World Bank. It was so shameful that the World Bank had to retract the study and issued an apology to the Philippine government.
But there is light, no matter how dim it is. More Filipinos now recognize the useful and protective power of immune-boosting supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. The Concerned Doctors and Citizens of the Philippines group recommends daily intake of vitamin C 3g/day, vitamin D3 5000iu /day, zinc 50mg /day, quercetin 250mg/day as well as melatonin 3-6mg/day. This has led to different private companies, church groups and individuals throughout the Philippines distributing Covid- care packs containing these supplements.
Secretary Greco Belgica of the Presidential Anti-Corruption commission recently had a close brush with death if not for the intervention of his mother, Dr Carmelita Belgica. Dr Belgica vehemently argued for high doses of intravenous vitamins with the doctors at the hospital where he was admitted. Secretary Greco Belgica was on 100,000 mg of IV ascorbate running 24hrs, together with 2500mg glutathione. He was also on oral vitamin D3 50000iu /day, melatonin 360mg/day and zinc 100mg/day. Due to her insistence not to follow the treatment guidelines, Sec. Belgica turned a corner from Acute Respiratory distress to discharge in 2 weeks without intubation.
Recognition of naturally-acquired immunity is wanting. Despite numerous medical articles proving that naturally-acquired immunity is robust and long-lasting, the government only recognizes vaccines as the solution to end the pandemic.
As Covid cases have started to decline, Filipinos have become more confident in going out again and there is a growing sense of normalcy that has been wanting since the pandemic began. I believe that this character of resilience always comes out of each Filipino with every crisis encountered. Filipinos adapt perfectly like a bamboo bending with strong winds and upright in still air, reaching the sky. I firmly believe the Philippines will become a great nation again as each Filipino realizes they themselves are the true drivers for change, not the ones in power.
(Dr. Homer Lim is a geriatrician who is also a specialist in integrative medicine. He is president of the International Anti-Aging and Integrative Medicine Society and medical director at Akesis Holistic Health, Quezon City, Philippines. He has been in practice for over 20 years.)
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